
Living longer, living better, living well

From 2010 to 2015, 51,338 individuals between the ages of 45 and 85 agreed to take part in the CLSA. Their willingness to engage in the study reflects a profound commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and contributing to the CLSA’s overarching goal to improve our understanding of why some people age in healthy ways and others do not.

A male CLSA participant smiles while wearing a sleep tracker headband.


Data from the CLSA research platform are available to researchers and trainees based in academic settings and research institutes both in and outside Canada. Our aim is to foster interdisciplinary population-based research and evidence-based decision making that will lead to better health and quality of life for Canadians.

A Black male researcher wearing glasses and a lab coat takes notes while looking at a microscope.

COVID-19 Research

Pandemic impacts on older adults

The CLSA research platform includes questionnaire, seroprevalence and imaging data examining the immediate and long-term impacts of both the pandemic and the virus that causes COVID-19.

Brain Health Research

Healthy Brains, Healthy Aging

With support from the Weston Family Foundation, the CLSA research platform has been enhanced with brain imaging and microbiome analysis that will enable research on factors influencing brain health.

Data Availability

The CLSA Research Platform includes questionnaire and physical assessment data, biomarkers, genomics, epigenetics, metabolomics, linked data, raw data, imaging and COVID-19 data.

Recent News

Explore the research findings, webinar recordings and videos, and the latest news from the CLSA.


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