Oral health outcomes as a surrogate measure of bone mineral density and fracture risk The burden of osteoporosis and related fractures is rising as our population ages. Many... Learn More
Degenerative protein modifications (DPMs) as molecular mediators connecting socio-demographic profile to the onset of age-related diseases We have identified a set of degenerative protein modifications (DPMs) in patients’ tissues, resulting... Learn More
Using the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging to undertake a biobehavioural investigation into the association between tooth loss and hip bone mineral density and the role of dietary choices in promoting bone health during later life stages Learn More
Comorbidity, depression, and antidepressant use among Canadian elderly: a cross-sectional analysis using the baseline data collected from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Project Findings With this approved CLSA project we have examined the relationship between depression... Learn More