Enhancing wellbeing: sociocultural and personality correlates of prosociality and wellbeing in the context of migration Wellbeing promotes diverse positive outcomes, including longevity. Increasing it is a central scientific endeavor.... Learn More
Examining social inequalities in caregiver well-being: an analysis of CLSA data on caregiving across levels of social stratification In Canada, a significant percentage of seniors served as caregivers, with gender differences observed... Learn More
The effect of retirement on mental and physical wellbeing of the elderly population in Canada Learn More
How do social determinants of health, chronic conditions, access to healthcare, and neighbourhood-level factors modify the effect of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic on health and well-being among middle-aged and older adults in Canada: A longitudinal analysis of respondents from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging The global COVID-19 pandemic led to a substantial increase in the number of deaths... Learn More
Resilience and healthy aging across the life course: a longitudinal analysis of psychological wellbeing and physical adversity Learn More
The effect of retirement on mental and physical wellbeing of the elderly population in Canada Learn More
Elderly adults, entrepreneurship, and ageism: learning from failure and success and the interplay of national culture and institutional policies Learn More
Immigrant status, gender and race intersections: implications for well-being in middle and later life Learn More
Aging alone with cognitive impairment: an assessment of functioning and factors associated with social wellbeing Learn More