Hypothetical interventions for real world impact: addressing the obesity epidemic in older adults The Canadian population is aging rapidly and older adults represent the fastest growing part... Learn More
Identifying novel genetic factors predisposing to inherited cardiac disorders Inherited cardiac disorders arise from genetic variations and can manifest as cardiomyopathies or arrhythmic... Learn More
Mental and physical health associations in large biological datasets: using developmental neuroscience to inform risk and resilience to chronic disease Early life environment exposure is the foundation of a healthy life-course trajectory. Exposure to... Learn More
Broad and deep longitudinal analysis in neurodegenerative disease (BRAIN): Identifying and predicting trajectories of decline in cognitive and physical function using data from CLSA linked to routinely collected health system data (follow-up) Declines in various aspects of cognition such as memory, language skills and reasoning are... Learn More
An assessment of the impact of transport opportunities and barriers for the aging Canadian population Mobility is linked to health status and quality of life. However, the Canadian transportation... Learn More
Effect of changes in social participation on cognitive functioning evolution in retirement: Influence of social support and residential setting Although people often eagerly await their retirement, some individuals show a greater cognitive decline... Learn More
A longitudinal analysis of the experiences and impacts of loneliness and social isolation in Canada As we grow older, our social circles often get smaller, and this can lead... Learn More
Does functional social support mediate the association between anxiety and executive function in middle-aged and older adults? An analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Anxiety is a common mental health condition that adversely affects executive function. Executive function... Learn More
Pathways to successful aging among older adults in Canada: findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) The Canadian population is undergoing a notable demographic shift as the population ages characterized... Learn More
Radiographic Evidence Study of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (R.E.A.D. Study) Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of blindness in developed countries.... Learn More
Evaluation of lateral spine images from dual X-ray absorptiometry machines for abdominal aortic calcification This project will establish an international research collaborations for the Automated Abdominal Aortic Calcification... Learn More
Bitter taste receptors and COVID-19 Proteins that help taste sensation (bitter taste receptors or T2Rs) have recently been shown... Learn More