Trajectories of work productivity loss: working from home and insights during COVID-19 People with health problems may attend at work with reduced productivity (presenteeism), take sick... Learn More
Examining social inequalities in caregiver well-being: an analysis of CLSA data on caregiving across levels of social stratification In Canada, a significant percentage of seniors served as caregivers, with gender differences observed... Learn More
Cross-lagged associations between social connections and physical activity in older adults: understanding synergies and direction of effects Physical activity (PA) and positive social connections are important for well-being, but physical inactivity... Learn More
Using artificial intelligence to predict cardiac age and its impact on health As we age, our functional abilities decline, but the rate of decline varies among... Learn More
Anticholinergic and sedative medications use in the Canadian population Some commonly used medications for depression, allergies and sleep, have been found to decrease... Learn More