Epigenetic aging and social adversity as synergistic predictors of oral health in older Canadians living with multimorbidity: a machine learning approach Oral health is an essential determinant of overall quality of life. As individuals age,... Learn More
How does socioeconomic position become biologically embedded? a cross-national comparison of associations between socioeconomic position and epigenetic aging in middle-aged older adults in Canada and the US People with lower socioeconomic position (SEP) tend to have poorer health than those with... Learn More
Adverse childhood experiences, genomic influences, and acceleration of biological aging in middle-aged and older adults in the CLSA Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), including childhood exposure to abuse, neglect, and intimate partner violence... Learn More
Association between mitochondrial DNA copy number and nuclear DNA methylation in cardiovascular disease and aging Learn More
Psychosocial stress and epigenetic aging as common pathways to oral disease and multimorbidity Learn More
Sex differences in accelerated epigenetic age and cognitive decline: possible role of biological, social, and lifestyle factors Learn More
Adverse childhood experiences, genomic influences, and acceleration of biological aging in middle-aged and older adults in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Learn More