Defining age appropriate BMI cut points for the aging population




Raina, Parminder


McMaster University


Project ID:


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Project Summary

In Canada, 60% of the population aged 65 years and older is currently classified as overweight or obese and numbers are projected to increase in the near future. These trends pose a substantial stressor on the Canadian health care system. The body mass index (BMI) is the most feasible measure for assessing overweight and obesity. However, current BMI thresholds for overweight and obesity were developed using data of adults aged 18-65 years. While it has become evident these do not apply to the elderly, no classification for seniors has been developed. This project aims to define age-appropriate BMI thresholds that more optimally reflect the health risks associated with being overweight and obese in older people. We will then investigate how well this new BMI classification is associated with older people’s health risks compared to the current BMI guidelines.