Putting your heart into it: The science of cardiovascular aging

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Hamilton site of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging will be hosting a CIHR Café Scientifique at McMaster Innovation Park on Thursday, February 6.

The event, entitled Putting your heart into it: The science of cardiovascular aging, brings together leading health researchers and community experts to discuss the causes of cardiovascular aging and what can be done to prevent and manage heart disease and stroke.

Participate in a lively discussion about the latest scientific research and learn more about local community programs that are focused on reducing the risk of chronic cardiovascular diseases. 

Register for free at www.agingcafesci.eventbrite.ca. Seating is limited.

Can’t make it to the event? Watch it live here: http://itshappeningrightnow.com/clsa_elcv/