CLSA Research Findings: Webinar on Canadians who choose to return to work post-retirement

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The complex interaction of the demographic and circumstantial factors of Canadians who choose to return to work post-retirement will be the focus of the upcoming CLSA webinar on April 19, 2016. The online seminar marks the first public presentation of research findings from a project using CLSA data.

By 2036, a quarter of Canadian population will be aged 65 and over. With the greying of Canadian population and Canadians living longer and healthier, the concept of retirement has evolved from a one-step abrupt exit from the labour force to a series of transitions from active labour force participation to relative inactivity.

Some Canadians are choosing to gradually reduce their working hours before fully exiting the labour force whereas others are exiting the labour force earlier but later returning to work post-retirement. Findings suggest that labour market participation decisions, such as earlier retirement and/or return to work, may be motivated by a complex interaction of demographic and circumstantial factors.

Mehreen Khan and Marvi Memon, graduates of the Master of Public Service (MPS) at the University of Waterloo, will draw on evidence from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging to shed light on the demographics and gender-based motivations of Canadians who choose to return to work after retirement.

The webinar, “Labour Transitions: Retirees who return to work,” will be held from noon to 1 p.m. (ET). All are welcome to attend. To register for the session, click here.

The CLSA webinar series features regular, online lectures from new, mid-career, and established health researchers who are interested in aging. The webinars provide a forum to discuss the latest health and aging research in Canada. The webinars run for one hour, with an opportunity for audience questions at the end of the talk.