VitalAire Canada visits the CLSA

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In February, The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging welcomed the VitalAire Canada team for a presentation and tour of the CLSA facilities at McMaster Innovation Park in Hamilton. VitalAire Canada, a member of the Air Liquide group of health-care companies, is an important partner of the CLSA. The Mississauga-based company supplies both the portable and long-term cryopreservation systems for the project. Both are used in the CLSA Biorepository and Bioanalysis Centre (seen below).

"Our team really appreciated (the visit) and we were all amazed by the extent and complexity of the CLSA program,” said Matteo Polese, director of sales for Air Liquide Medical. “We are very proud of being your partners in setting up the biobank."