An assessment of the impact of transport opportunities and barriers for the aging Canadian population




Manaugh, Kevin


McGill University


Project ID:


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Project Summary

Mobility is linked to health status and quality of life. However, the Canadian transportation system is not meeting the transportation needs of senior Canadians. With one in five Canadian adults being at least 65 years of age, understanding seniors’ travel behaviour is vital to yielding benefits from active, independent lifestyles of all Canadians. The research objective is to understand older Canadians’ travel behaviour and health outcomes. We will answer the questions: 1) is there a relationship between the mode of transport used most often and healthy aging in older Canadians? and 2) how does the mode of transportation and healthy aging for older Canadians vary by demographic and socioeconomic factors? We will analyze the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging data to examine the sociodemographic, health, psychosocial, and environmental factors associated with reported health outcomes.