Health, out-of-home activities and digital inclusion in later life: implications for emerging mobility services




Porter, Michelle


University of Manitoba


Project ID:


Approved Project Status:


Project Summary

This study focuses on how digital technologies are used by older adults. Also, is technology use connected to mobility and health? Technologies are becoming more common in all aspects of life, including in transportation services. While there could be benefits, more barriers might be created for older adults in using transportation services. Transportation barriers could impact their independence, well-being and quality of life. Using CLSA data, we aim to examine older adult participation in out-of-home activities. We want to understand how these activities are linked to the use of digital technologies and transportation. Barriers associated with both will be explored to assess whether the digitalization of transportation services can help, or whether more inequalities might be created. We will specifically examine barriers affecting those who are less active and have mobility restrictions. Study results will provide ideas on how to design transportation services for all older adults.