Physical activity and risk of cardiovascular disease in women




Cote, Anita


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Project Summary

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of premature death for women globally. Traditional risk factors, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, overweight/obesity, and smoking, account for the majority of CVD risk women face. However, women are often unaware of sex- and gender-specific risk factors that occur in midlife and escalate through menopause, that negatively affect their health. For example, conditions associated with pregnancy (preterm delivery, hypertensive orders of pregnancy, and gestational diabetes), age at first and last menstruation, and autoimmune disorders, increase the risk for developing CVD and doubles the risk of dying from heart disease. The goal of this project is to leverage the longitudinal data obtained through the CLSA specific to physical activity and cardiovascular health in women, exploring the change in risk over time, while also considering the sex and gender factors that may influence this relationship.