The relationship between mental disorders and sleep disordered breathing: concurrence and consequences




Kendzerska, Tetyana


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Project Summary

Sleep apnea and mental illnesses place a significant burden on the health of Canadians. However, there is still limited understanding of the relationship between these conditions over time, and we still don’t know who may benefit the most from screening. This study aims to address these knowledge gaps in people 45 to 85 years old who participated in the CLSA survey at baseline (2011-2015) and the first follow-up (2015-2018). We will extract information on self-reported mental illness diagnoses, symptoms, and sleep apnea across Canada. First, we will assess the relationship between sleep apnea and mental illnesses (present, worsening, and new). Then, we will identify individuals with sleep apnea at risk for mental illnesses and those with mental illnesses at risk for sleep apnea. Finally, we assess how both conditions combined negatively affects heart and metabolic health. This study will help improve health care for both sleep apnea and mental illnesses.