There are some risks in undergoing an MRI:

  • The magnetic effect of the MRI on implanted devices. The MRI could cause any metal in your body to heat up. This is because the MRI machine uses strong magnets in order to collect the scans. Every effort will be made to eliminate this risk, by asking you ahead of time about any devices or injuries from metal objects, and not running the test if you have anything in your body that will be affected by the machine.
  • The brain MRI is a magnetic resonance imaging procedure to take images of your brain. This MRI procedure will have you lie on your back on a narrow table that will be moved into a circular tube. You will not be able to see outside of the tube. There will be repetitive thumping noises as the MRI scans your brain. It will take approximately 45 minutes to complete the scans.

These discomforts will be mitigated in the following ways:

  • Headphones and ear plugs will be worn for ear protection.
  • Tingling sensations sometimes occur in the arms, but these can usually be prevented by keeping the hands apart.
  • The technician will maintain visual and verbal contact with you throughout the MRI scanning sessions.
  • As an extra precaution, you will be given an “emergency” button to be used if you wish to end the procedure.
  • It is important to understand that participation in the MRI scans will require travel outside your home. The MRI facilities and CLSA staff will follow the required protocols for working safely during the pandemic.