The TicWatch and thigh ActiGraph will record information about your movements throughout the day (e.g., step count, body position, etc.).

The thigh ActiGraph collects accelerometer data, which is information about speed of movement in any direction and is used to interpret your daily activity.

The TicWatch collects accelerometer data as well, and also gyroscopic data, heart rate, ambient light, and location. All of this data is used to track activity intensity and activity transition (the point when you change from one activity to another – such as from sitting to walking), as well as how you travel (car, public transit, bicycle, or walking), and the types of places you visit in your day. The TicWatch tracks location with GPS data. Specifically, longitude and latitude data from locations you visit are collected. These coordinates are turned into destination information only (restaurant, shopping, entertainment, hospital, etc.) in the research data. The specific longitude and latitude data is encrypted on the device and only accessible to the researchers who have the decryption algorithm (like a password) to do the translation from specific location data into destination information. For example, we would be interested to know that you travelled 4 km from your home by bus to get to a grocery store.