In general, variables in the CLSA dataset reflect the interview process. In some cases, follow-up questions were only asked if specific answers were given to preceding questions.

Blank values in the Baseline data can represent multiple types of missing data, including:

Valid skip patterns. For example, number of daughters and sons are only asked if the participant answered that they have at least one child. In the CLSA dataset, participants with no children will have blank values for both.

Missing data due to non-completion. There are some participants who skipped entire sections of baseline interview, and therefore have blanks for all the questions in those sections. Indicator variables such as ADM_COMPLETE_MCQ are provided in the documentation accompanying data release and should be consulted when there are large number of missing data to determine if it is due to a participant not completing a section.

In the Follow-up 1 and Follow-up 2 datasets, missing data have been assigned various codes according to the reason the data are missing. Details of the different types of missing data are provided in the data dictionaries accompanying datasets.