The risks of taking part in the CLSA are minimal. Certain physical measurements taken at the Data Collection Site visit have specific risks as outlined in the study information package or reviewed at the start of the interview.

Your information is stored in a de-identified fashion, meaning any information that is collected as part of the study is not stored with personal identifiers such as your name, address, or date of birth. Identifying information is kept separate from the data you provide through interviews and assessments, and it is only used by approved CLSA staff to contact you. The CLSA only grants access to de-identified data for ethically and scientifically approved research performed by the public sector.

As with all studies that collect personal information, there is a chance that third parties could get your information without permission of the CLSA research team. Study information will NOT be released by the CLSA to a third party (other than an approved researcher) unless ordered to do so by a court order or by law.