
Research collaboration opportunity: interactive data dashboard

The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) principal investigators are searching for a collaboration with a research team to develop an interactive data dashboard.

The CLSA is Canada’s leading research platform with longitudinal data from over 50,000 participants, now it’s its fourth wave of data collection. To date over 600 teams  have accessed the CLSA data with close to 300 publications. Currently, data are available from Baseline, Follow-up 1 and Follow-up 2 enabling longitudinal interdisciplinary research in aging that will contribute to the identification of modifiable factors that can be used to develop interventions to improve the health of Canadians.

Through the development of an interactive data dashboard, the CLSA wishes to make selected findings from the research platform available to participants, researchers, and stakeholders to support the platform’s utility for informing and developing research in aging, and information sharing.

If you have expertise and are interested to contribute to the CLSA research platform, please reach out to the CLSA’s executive director, Ine Wauben, for further information. Note that there is currently no monetary reimbursement available for this work.

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